| # Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev |
| # Open Watcom C 1.0, 1.2, 1.3 |
| # reorder instructions for best pipeline usage |
| # inline intrinsic functions |
| # disable stack checking calls |
| # optimize for Pentium and Athlon |
| # register-based arguments passing conventions |
| # stack-based arguments passing conventions |
| # optimize for Pentium Pro, Pentium II and Pentium III |
| # register-based arguments passing conventions |
| # stack-based arguments passing conventions |
| have=NGX_HAVE_C99_VARIADIC_MACROS . auto/have |
| # the precompiled headers |
| CORE_DEPS="$CORE_DEPS $NGX_OBJS/ngx_config.pch" |
| NGX_PCH="$NGX_OBJS/ngx_config.pch" |
| NGX_BUILD_PCH="-fhq=$NGX_OBJS/ngx_config.pch" |
| NGX_USE_PCH="-fh=$NGX_OBJS/ngx_config.pch" |
| # the link flags, built target is NT GUI mode application |
| CORE_LINK="$CORE_LINK -l=nt_win" |
| NGX_RCC="wrc \$(CORE_INCS) -fo=$NGX_OBJS/nginx.res " |
| NGX_RCC="$NGX_RCC $NGX_WIN32_RC $NGX_OBJS/nginx.exe" |