blob: 0746fa0ecfdd0eba630fd4c171e2d2011631cfb8 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <ngx_socket.h>
ioctl(FIONBIO) set blocking mode with one syscall only while
fcntl(F_SETFL, ~O_NONBLOCK) need to know previous state
using fcntl(F_GETFL).
ioctl() and fcntl() are syscalls on FreeBSD, Solaris 7/8 and Linux
#if 1
int ngx_nonblocking(ngx_socket_t s)
unsigned long nb = 1;
return ioctl(s, FIONBIO, &nb);
int ngx_blocking(ngx_socket_t s)
unsigned long nb = 0;
return ioctl(s, FIONBIO, &nb);