| Use prove to run tests as one usually do for perl tests. Individual tests |
| Note: tests run nginx (and backend daemons if needed) listening on localhost |
| and may use various ports in 8000 .. 8999 range. |
| $ TEST_NGINX_BINARY=/path/to/nginx prove . |
| By default tests expect nginx binary to be at ../nginx/objs/nginx. |
| Sets path to nginx binary to be tested, defaults to "../nginx/objs/nginx". |
| Be a bit more verbose (in particular, print requests sent and responses |
| got from nginx). Note that this requires prove -v (or HARNESS_VERBOSE). |
| If set temporary directory with configs and logs won't be deleted on test |
| completion. Usefull for debugging. |
| Cat error log to stdout after test completion. Usefull for debugging. |