blob: 6e7f39d8b398911a6bc762fbf29c2e9e3713cf18 [file] [log] [blame]
# (C) Maxim Dounin
# (C) Valentin Bartenev
# Tests for nginx ssi module, "if" statement.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Test::More;
BEGIN { use FindBin; chdir($FindBin::Bin); }
use lib 'lib';
use Test::Nginx;
select STDERR; $| = 1;
select STDOUT; $| = 1;
my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has(qw/http ssi/)->plan(43);
$t->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF');
daemon off;
events {
http {
server {
server_name localhost;
location / {
ssi on;
my $if_elif_else =
'<!--#if expr="$arg_if" -->IF'
. '<!--#elif expr="$arg_elif" -->ELIF'
. '<!--#else -->ELSE'
. '<!--#endif -->';
my $zig = 'GOOD';
my $zag = 'GOOD';
foreach my $i (reverse 1 .. 15) {
if ($i % 2) {
$zig =
"<!--#if expr='\$arg_$i' -->$i<!--#else -->$zig<!--#endif -->";
$zag =
"<!--#if expr='\$arg_$i' -->$zag<!--#else -->$i<!--#endif -->";
} else {
$zig =
"<!--#if expr='\$arg_$i' -->$zig<!--#else -->$i<!--#endif -->";
$zag =
"<!--#if expr='\$arg_$i' -->$i<!--#else -->$zag<!--#endif -->";
$t->write_file('if_var.html', 'x<!--#if expr="$arg_v" -->OK<!--#endif -->x');
like(http_get('/if_var.html?v=1'), qr/^xOKx$/m, 'if variable exists');
like(http_get('/if_var.html'), qr/^xx$/m, 'if variable not exists');
'x<!--#if expr="$arg_v = equal" -->OK<!--#endif -->x');
like(http_get('/if_eq.html?v=equal'), qr/^xOKx$/m, 'if var = text');
like(http_get('/if_eq.html?v=notequal'), qr/^xx$/m, 'if var = text (false)');
'x<!--#if expr="equal != $arg_v" -->OK<!--#endif -->x');
like(http_get('/if_neq.html?v=notequal'), qr/^xOKx$/m, 'if text != var');
like(http_get('/if_neq.html?v=equal'), qr/^xx$/m, 'if text != var (false)');
# PCRE may not be available unless we have rewrite module
skip 'no PCRE', 4 unless $t->has_module('rewrite');
'x<!--#if expr="$arg_v = /re+gexp?/" -->OK<!--#endif -->x');
like(http_get('/if_eq_re.html?v=XreeeegexX'), qr/^xOKx$/m,
'if var = /regex/');
like(http_get('/if_eq_re.html?v=XrgxX'), qr/^xx$/m,
'if var = /regex/ (false)');
'x<!--#if expr="$arg_v != /re+gexp?/" -->OK<!--#endif -->x');
like(http_get('/if_neq_re.html?v=XrgxX'), qr/^xOKx$/m,
'if var != /regex/');
like(http_get('/if_neq_re.html?v=XreeeegexX'), qr/^xx$/m,
'if var != /regex/ (false)');
'x<!--#if expr="$arg_v = var$arg_v2" -->OK<!--#endif -->x');
like(http_get('/if_varvar.html?v=varHERE&v2=HERE'), qr/^xOKx$/m,
'if var = complex');
# PCRE may not be available unless we have rewrite module
skip 'no PCRE', 2 unless $t->has_module('rewrite');
'x<!--#if expr="$arg_v = /(CAP\d).*(CAP\d)/" -->'
. '<!--#echo var="1" -->x<!--#echo var="2" -->'
. '<!--#endif -->x');
like(http_get('/if_cap_re.html?v=hereCAP1andCAP2'), qr/^xCAP1xCAP2x$/m,
'if regex with captures');
'x<!--#if expr="$arg_v = /(?P<ncap>HERE)/" -->'
. '<!--#echo var="ncap" -->'
. '<!--#endif -->x');
like(http_get('/if_ncap_re.html?v=captureHEREeee'), qr/^xHEREx$/m,
'if regex with named capture');
$t->write_file('if.html', 'x' . $if_elif_else . 'x');
like(http_get('/if.html?if=1'), qr/^xIFx$/m, 'if');
like(http_get('/if.html?if=1&elif=1'), qr/^xIFx$/m, 'if suppresses elif');
like(http_get('/if.html?elif=1'), qr/^xELIFx$/m, 'elif');
like(http_get('/if.html'), qr/^xELSEx$/m, 'else');
'x<!--#if expr="$arg_1" -->IF1<!--#else -->ELSE1<!--#endif -->'
. 'x<!--#if expr="$arg_2" -->IF2<!--#else -->ELSE2<!--#endif -->'
. 'x<!--#if expr="$arg_3" -->IF3<!--#else -->ELSE3<!--#endif -->'
. 'x<!--#if expr="$arg_4" -->IF4<!--#else -->ELSE4<!--#endif -->'
. 'x<!--#if expr="$arg_5" -->IF5<!--#else -->ELSE5<!--#endif -->x');
qr/^xIF1xIF2xIF3xIF4xIF5x$/m, 'multiple if (sequentially)');
like(http_get('/if_multi.html?1=t&3=t&5=t'), qr/^xIF1xELSE2xIF3xELSE4xIF5x$/m,
'multiple if (interlaced)');
like(http_get('/if_multi.html?2=t&4=t'), qr/^xELSE1xIF2xELSE3xIF4xELSE5x$/m,
'multiple if (interlaced reversed)');
'<!--#block name="one" -->' . $if_elif_else . '<!--#endblock -->'
. 'x<!--#include virtual="/404?$args" stub="one" -->x');
like(http_get('/if_in_block.html?if=1'), qr/^xIFx$/m, 'if (in block)');
like(http_get('/if_in_block.html?if=1&elif=1'), qr/^xIFx$/m,
'if suppresses elif (in block)');
like(http_get('/if_in_block.html?elif=1'), qr/^xELIFx$/m, 'elif (in block)');
like(http_get('/if_in_block.html'), qr/^xELSEx$/m, 'else (in block)');
'x<!--#if expr="$arg_if" -->'
. '<!--#config timefmt="IF" -->'
. '<!--#set var="v" value="$date_gmt" -->'
. '<!--#echo var="v" -->'
. '<!--#else -->'
. '<!--#config timefmt="ELSE" -->'
. '<!--#set var="v" value="$date_gmt" -->'
. '<!--#echo var="v" -->'
. '<!--#endif -->x');
like(http_get('/if_config_set_echo.html?if=1'), qr/^xIFx$/m,
'if config-set-echo');
like(http_get('/if_config_set_echo.html'), qr/^xELSEx$/m,
'else config-set-echo');
'x<!--#if expr="$arg_if" -->'
. '<!--#include virtual="/if.html?if=1" -->'
. '<!--#else -->'
. '<!--#include virtual="/if.html" -->'
. '<!--#endif -->x');
like(http_get('/if_include.html?if=1'), qr/^xxIFxx$/m,
'if include');
like(http_get('/if_include.html'), qr/^xxELSExx$/m,
'else include');
'<!--#if expr="$arg_if" -->'
. '<!--#block name="one" -->IF<!--#endblock -->'
. '<!--#else -->'
. '<!--#block name="one" -->ELSE<!--#endblock -->'
. '<!--#endif -->'
. 'x<!--#include virtual="/404" stub="one" -->x');
like(http_get('/if_block.html?if=1'), qr/^xIFx$/m, 'if block');
like(http_get('/if_block.html'), qr/^xELSEx$/m, 'else block');
local $TODO = 'support for nested ifs';
'x<!--#if expr="$arg__if" -->IFx' . $if_elif_else
. '<!--#elif expr="$arg__elif" -->ELIFx' . $if_elif_else
. '<!--#else -->ELSEx' . $if_elif_else
. '<!--#endif -->x');
like(http_get('/ifif.html?_if=1&if=1'), qr/^xIFxIFx$/m, 'if if');
like(http_get('/ifif.html?_if=1&elif=1'), qr/^xIFxELIFx$/m, 'if elif');
like(http_get('/ifif.html?_if=1'), qr/^xIFxELSEx$/m, 'if else');
like(http_get('/ifif.html?_elif=1&if=1'), qr/^xELIFxIFx$/m, 'elif if');
like(http_get('/ifif.html?_elif=1&elif=1'), qr/^xELIFxELIFx$/m, 'elif elif');
like(http_get('/ifif.html?_elif=1'), qr/^xELIFxELSEx$/m, 'elif else');
like(http_get('/ifif.html?if=1'), qr/^xELSExIFx$/m, 'else if');
like(http_get('/ifif.html?elif=1'), qr/^xELSExELIFx$/m, 'else elif');
like(http_get('/ifif.html'), qr/^xELSExELSEx$/m, 'else else');
"x<!--#if expr='\$arg_0' -->$zig<!--#else -->$zag<!--#endif -->x");
qr/^xGOODx$/m, 'zigzag');
qr/^xGOODx$/m, 'zagzig');
'<!--#block name="one" -->'
. "x<!--#if expr='\$arg_0' -->$zig<!--#else -->$zag<!--#endif -->x"
. '<!--#endblock -->'
. 'x<!--#include virtual="/404?$args" stub="one" -->x');
qr/^xGOODx$/m, 'zigzag block');
qr/^xGOODx$/m, 'zagzig block');