| SHELL= /bin/bash |
| |
| CONTRIB?= ../../contrib |
| CONTRIB:= $(abspath $(CONTRIB)) |
| DOCS?= ../../docs |
| |
| BASE_TARGET?= oss |
| |
| ifeq ($(BASE_TARGET), plus) |
| BASE_SUFFIX=-plus |
| endif |
| |
| include $(CONTRIB)/src/nginx$(BASE_SUFFIX)/version |
| |
| BASE_SRC= nginx$(BASE_SUFFIX)-$(BASE_VERSION).tar.gz |
| BUILD_ENV_PATH= ${HOME}/rpmbuild |
| BUILD_DIR= %{bdir} |
| |
| ifeq ($(MODULE_TARGET), plus) |
| MODULE_PACKAGE_URL= https://www.nginx.com/ |
| MODULE_PACKAGE_LICENSE= Proprietary (EULA included) |
| else |
| MODULE_PACKAGE_URL= https://nginx.org/ |
| MODULE_PACKAGE_LICENSE=2-clause BSD-like license |
| endif |
| |
| MODULE_SPEC_TEMPLATE= nginx$(MODULE_SUFFIX)-module.spec.in |
| |
| PACKAGE_VENDOR= NGINX Packaging <nginx-packaging@f5.com> |
| |
| BASE_MODULES= geoip image-filter njs perl xslt |
| |
| |
| -include Makefile.module-* |
| |
| --prefix=%{_sysconfdir}/nginx \ |
| --sbin-path=%{_sbindir}/nginx \ |
| --modules-path=%{_libdir}/nginx/modules \ |
| --conf-path=%{_sysconfdir}/nginx/nginx.conf \ |
| --error-log-path=%{_localstatedir}/log/nginx/error.log \ |
| --http-log-path=%{_localstatedir}/log/nginx/access.log \ |
| --pid-path=%{_localstatedir}/run/nginx.pid \ |
| --lock-path=%{_localstatedir}/run/nginx.lock \ |
| --http-client-body-temp-path=%{_localstatedir}/cache/nginx/client_temp \ |
| --http-proxy-temp-path=%{_localstatedir}/cache/nginx/proxy_temp \ |
| --http-fastcgi-temp-path=%{_localstatedir}/cache/nginx/fastcgi_temp \ |
| --http-uwsgi-temp-path=%{_localstatedir}/cache/nginx/uwsgi_temp \ |
| --http-scgi-temp-path=%{_localstatedir}/cache/nginx/scgi_temp \ |
| --user=%{nginx_user} \ |
| --group=%{nginx_group} \ |
| --with-compat \ |
| --with-file-aio \ |
| --with-threads \ |
| --with-http_addition_module \ |
| --with-http_auth_request_module \ |
| --with-http_dav_module \ |
| --with-http_flv_module \ |
| --with-http_gunzip_module \ |
| --with-http_gzip_static_module \ |
| --with-http_mp4_module \ |
| --with-http_random_index_module \ |
| --with-http_realip_module \ |
| --with-http_secure_link_module \ |
| --with-http_slice_module \ |
| --with-http_ssl_module \ |
| --with-http_stub_status_module \ |
| --with-http_sub_module \ |
| --with-http_v2_module \ |
| --with-mail \ |
| --with-mail_ssl_module \ |
| --with-stream \ |
| --with-stream_realip_module \ |
| --with-stream_ssl_module \ |
| --with-stream_ssl_preread_module |
| |
| ifeq ($(BASE_TARGET), plus) |
| --build=nginx-plus-r$(PLUS_VERSION) \ |
| --with-http_auth_jwt_module \ |
| --with-http_f4f_module \ |
| --with-http_hls_module \ |
| --with-http_session_log_module |
| endif |
| |
| export CR=\\n |
| |
| modname = $(shell echo $1 | tr '-' '_') |
| |
| default: |
| @echo "valid targets: all base $(addprefix module-, $(MODULES)) test test-debug" |
| |
| list-base: |
| @printf "%-20s\t%s\n" nginx $(BASE_VERSION)-$(BASE_RELEASE) |
| |
| list-module-%: |
| @printf "%-20s\t%s\n" $* $(MODULE_VERSION_$(call modname, $*))-$(MODULE_RELEASE_$(call modname, $*)) |
| |
| list-all-modules: $(addprefix list-module-, $(MODULES)) |
| |
| list-base-modules: $(addprefix list-module-, $(BASE_MODULES)) |
| |
| list: list-base list-all-modules |
| |
| all: base base-modules |
| @echo "===> all done" |
| |
| base-modules: $(addprefix module-, $(BASE_MODULES)) |
| |
| modules: $(addprefix module-, $(MODULES)) |
| |
| specs: nginx.spec $(addsuffix .spec, $(addprefix nginx-module-, $(MODULES))) |
| |
| cd $(CONTRIB) && make .sum-nginx$(BASE_SUFFIX) |
| cd $(SRCPATH) && ln -s $(CONTRIB)/tarballs/$(BASE_SRC) $(BASE_SRC) |
| |
| base: nginx.spec $(SRCPATH)/$(BASE_SRC) |
| @echo "===> Building base package" ; \ |
| $(SHELL) -c "time -p rpmbuild -D \"_topdir `pwd`/../\" -ba nginx$(BASE_SUFFIX).spec" && \ |
| ln -s ../BUILD/nginx$(BASE_SUFFIX)-$(BASE_VERSION)/objs base |
| |
| nginx.rpm-changelog: |
| @echo "===> Generating $@" |
| @cd $(DOCS) && DEST=$(CURDIR) VERSIONMASK=1 make $(CURDIR)/nginx$(BASE_SUFFIX).rpm-changelog |
| |
| nginx.spec: nginx.rpm-changelog |
| ifeq ($(BASE_TARGET), plus) |
| cp $(DOCS)/swagger-ui/* $(DOCS)/nginx-modules-reference.pdf $(SRCPATH) |
| cp $(CONTRIB)/tarballs/dashboard.html $(SRCPATH) |
| cp $(DOCS)/EULA* $(SRCPATH) |
| endif |
| @echo "===> Creating $@" |
| @{ \ |
| set -e ; \ |
| cp -p $(DOCS)/nginx.copyright $(SRCPATH) ; \ |
| patch_files=`find $(CONTRIB)/src/nginx$(BASE_SUFFIX)/ \ |
| -type f -name '*.patch' -printf "%f\n" | sort`; \ |
| patches=`for i in $$patch_files; do echo $$i; done | \ |
| nl -v0 -w 1 -s": " | \ |
| sed -n -e ':a' \ |
| -e 's/^/Patch/' -e '1h;1!H;' -e '$$!{n;ba}' \ |
| -e 'x' -e "s/$$/$$CR/; s/\\n/$$CR/g" -e 'p' `; \ |
| for patch in $$patch_files; do \ |
| cp -v $(CONTRIB)/src/nginx$(BASE_SUFFIX)/$$patch $(SRCPATH) ; \ |
| done; \ |
| cat nginx$(BASE_SUFFIX).spec.in | sed \ |
| -e 's#%%BASE_VERSION%%#$(BASE_VERSION)#g' \ |
| -e 's#%%BASE_RELEASE%%#$(BASE_RELEASE)#g' \ |
| -e 's#%%PLUS_VERSION%%#$(PLUS_VERSION)#g' \ |
| -e 's#%%PLUS_RELEASE%%#$(PLUS_RELEASE)#g' \ |
| -e "s#%%BASE_PATCHES%%#$$patches#g" \ |
| > nginx$(BASE_SUFFIX).spec ; \ |
| cat nginx$(BASE_SUFFIX).rpm-changelog | sed \ |
| -e 's#%%BASE_VERSION%%#$(BASE_VERSION)#g' \ |
| -e 's#%%BASE_RELEASE%%#$(BASE_RELEASE)#g' \ |
| -e 's#%%PLUS_VERSION%%#$(PLUS_VERSION)#g' \ |
| -e 's#%%PLUS_RELEASE%%#$(PLUS_RELEASE)#g' \ |
| >> nginx$(BASE_SUFFIX).spec ; \ |
| } |
| |
| .deps-module-%: |
| touch $@ |
| |
| module-%: nginx-module-%.spec check-compat-% $(SRCPATH)/$(BASE_SRC) .deps-module-% |
| @if [ -e nginx-$@.skip ]; then \ |
| echo "---> Skipping nginx-$@ package (`cat nginx-$@.skip`)" ; \ |
| else \ |
| echo "===> Building nginx-$@ package" ; \ |
| $(SHELL) -c "time -p rpmbuild -D \"_topdir `pwd`/../\" -ba nginx-$@.spec" && \ |
| ln -s ../BUILD/$(MODULE_PACKAGE_PREFIX)-$*-$(BASE_VERSION)/objs $@ ; \ |
| fi |
| |
| nginx-module-%.rpm-changelog: |
| @echo "===> Generating $@" |
| @cd $(DOCS) && DEST=$(CURDIR) VERSIONMASK=1 make $(CURDIR)/$@ |
| |
| nginx-module-%.spec: nginx-module-%.rpm-changelog |
| @echo "===> Creating $@" |
| @{ \ |
| set -e ; \ |
| i=100 ; \ |
| sources= ; \ |
| prepsources= ; \ |
| for src in $(MODULE_SOURCES_$(call modname, $*)); do \ |
| if [ -h $(SRCPATH)/$${src} ] ; then rm $(SRCPATH)/$${src} ; fi ; \ |
| ln -s $(CONTRIB)/tarballs/$${src} $(SRCPATH)/$${src} ; \ |
| s="`printf "Source%d: %s\n" $${i} $${src}`" ; \ |
| sources="$${sources}\n$${s}" ; \ |
| case "$${src}" in \ |
| *.tar.xz) \ |
| taropts="xvJfo" ; \ |
| ;; \ |
| *) \ |
| taropts="xvzfo" ; \ |
| ;; \ |
| esac ; \ |
| s="`printf "tar $${taropts} %%{SOURCE%d\}" $${i}`" ; \ |
| prepsources="$${prepsources}\n$${s}" ; \ |
| sn=`echo $${src} | sed -e 's/-[0-9].*$$//'` ; \ |
| if [ "$${sn}" = "$${src}" ] ; then \ |
| sn=$${src%-*} ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| s="`printf "ln -s $${sn}-* $${sn}"`" ; \ |
| prepsources="$${prepsources}\n$${s}" ; \ |
| i=$$(($${i}+1)) ; \ |
| done ; \ |
| i=100 ; \ |
| patches= ; \ |
| preppatches= ; \ |
| for src in $(MODULE_PATCHES_$(call modname, $*)); do \ |
| dn=`dirname $${src}` ; \ |
| bdn=`basename $${dn}` ; \ |
| pn="$${bdn}_`basename $${src}`" ; \ |
| if [ -h $(SRCPATH)/$${pn} ] ; then rm $(SRCPATH)/$${pn} ; fi ; \ |
| ln -s $${src} $(SRCPATH)/$${pn} ; \ |
| s="`printf "Patch%d: %s\n" $${i} $${pn}`" ; \ |
| patches="$${patches}\n$${s}" ; \ |
| s="`printf "cd %%{bdir}/$${bdn}"`" ; \ |
| preppatches="$${preppatches}\n$${s}" ; \ |
| s="`printf "%%patch%d -p1" $${i}`" ; \ |
| preppatches="$${preppatches}\n$${s}" ; \ |
| i=$$(($${i}+1)) ; \ |
| done ; \ |
| module_copyright=`echo $@ | sed -e "s#.spec#.copyright#"` ; \ |
| cp -p $(DOCS)/$${module_copyright} $(SRCPATH) ; \ |
| pkgname=$(shell echo $@ | cut -d '.' -f 1) ; \ |
| pkgname=`echo $${pkgname} | sed -e "s#^nginx-#nginx$(MODULE_SUFFIX)-#"` ; \ |
| definitions=`echo "$$MODULE_DEFINITIONS_$(call modname, $*)" | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$$!ba' -e "s/\n/\$$CR/g"` ; \ |
| prebuild=`echo "$$MODULE_PREBUILD_$(call modname, $*)" | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$$!ba' -e "s/\n/\$$CR/g"` ; \ |
| preinstall=`echo "$$MODULE_PREINSTALL_$(call modname, $*)" | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$$!ba' -e "s/\n/\$$CR/g"` ; \ |
| buildenv=`echo "$$MODULE_ENV_$(call modname, $*)" | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$$!ba' -e "s/\n/\$$CR/g"` ; \ |
| files=`echo "$$MODULE_FILES_$(call modname, $*)" | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$$!ba' -e "s/\n/\$$CR/g"` ; \ |
| post=`echo "$$MODULE_POST_$(call modname, $*)" | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$$!ba' -e "s/\n/\$$CR/g"` ; \ |
| cat $(MODULE_SPEC_TEMPLATE) | sed \ |
| -e "s#%%NAME%%#$${pkgname}#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%SUMMARY%%#$(MODULE_SUMMARY_PREFIX) $(MODULE_SUMMARY_$(call modname, $*))#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%SHORT_SUMMARY%%#$(MODULE_SUMMARY_$(call modname, $*))#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%BASE_VERSION%%#$(BASE_VERSION)#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%BASE_RELEASE%%#$(BASE_RELEASE)#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%PLUS_VERSION%%#$(PLUS_VERSION)#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%VERSION_PREFIX%%#$(MODULE_VERSION_PREFIX_$(call modname, $*))#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%VERSION%%#$(MODULE_VERSION_$(call modname, $*))#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%RELEASE%%#$(MODULE_RELEASE_$(call modname, $*))#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%BASE_SUFFIX%%#$(BASE_SUFFIX)#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%MODULE_CONFIGURE_ARGS%%#$(MODULE_CONFARGS_$(call modname, $*))#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%COPYRIGHT_SOURCE%%#$${module_copyright}#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%MODULE_SOURCES%%#$${sources}#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%MODULE_PATCHES%%#$${patches}#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%MODULE_PREP_SOURCES%%#$${prepsources}#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%MODULE_PREP_PATCHES%%#$${preppatches}#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%MODULE_DEFINITIONS%%#$${definitions}#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%MODULE_PREBUILD%%#$${prebuild}#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%MODULE_ENV%%#$${buildenv}#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%MODULE_CC_OPT%%#$(MODULE_CC_OPT_$(call modname, $*))#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%MODULE_CC_OPT_DEBUG%%#$(MODULE_CC_OPT_DEBUG_$(call modname, $*))#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%MODULE_LD_OPT%%#$(MODULE_LD_OPT_$(call modname, $*))#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%MODULE_LD_OPT_DEBUG%%#$(MODULE_LD_OPT_DEBUG_$(call modname, $*))#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%MODULE_PREINSTALL%%#$${preinstall}#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%MODULE_FILES%%#$${files}#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%MODULE_POST%%#$${post}#g" \ |
| > $@.tmp && \ |
| cat nginx-module-$*.rpm-changelog | sed \ |
| -e 's#%%BASE_VERSION%%#$(BASE_VERSION)#g' \ |
| -e 's#%%BASE_RELEASE%%#$(BASE_RELEASE)#g' \ |
| -e "s#%%PLUS_VERSION%%#$(PLUS_VERSION)#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%MODULE_VERSION%%#$(MODULE_VERSION_$(call modname, $*))#g" \ |
| -e "s#%%MODULE_RELEASE%%#$(MODULE_RELEASE_$(call modname, $*))#g" \ |
| >> $@.tmp && \ |
| mv $@.tmp $@ ; \ |
| } |
| |
| check-compat-%: |
| @module=`echo $@ | cut -d '-' -f 3 | tr '-' '_'` ; \ |
| case "$${module}" in \ |
| brotli) \ |
| if [ `rpm --eval '0%{?suse_version}'` -gt 0 -a `rpm --eval '0%{?suse_version}'` -lt 1500 -o \ |
| `rpm --eval '0%{?fedora}'` -gt 0 -a `rpm --eval '0%{?fedora}'` -lt 29 -o \ |
| `rpm --eval '0%{?amzn}'` -eq 1 ]; then \ |
| echo "Brotli can't be build on SLES < 15, Fedora < 29 or Amazon Linux" > \ |
| nginx-module-$${module}.skip ; \ |
| exit ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| ;; \ |
| geoip) \ |
| if [ `rpm --eval '0%{?rhel}'` -ge 8 ]; then \ |
| echo "GeoIP can not be build on RHEL/CentOS >= 8" > \ |
| nginx-module-$${module}.skip ; \ |
| exit ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| ;; \ |
| geoip2) \ |
| if [ `rpm --eval '0%{?suse_version}'` -gt 0 -a `rpm --eval '0%{?suse_version}'` -lt 1500 ]; then \ |
| echo "GeoIP2 can not be built on SuSe linux < 15 due to libmaxminddb absence" > \ |
| nginx-module-$${module}.skip ; \ |
| exit ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| ;; \ |
| lua) \ |
| if [ `rpm --eval '%{_arch}'` = "ppc64le" ]; then \ |
| echo "Lua module can not be built on ppc64le" > \ |
| nginx-module-$${module}.skip ; \ |
| exit ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| ;; \ |
| modsecurity) \ |
| if [ "`rpm --eval '%{_arch}'`" = "ppc64le" ]; then \ |
| echo "ModSecurity can not be built on ppc64le" > \ |
| nginx-module-$${module}.skip ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| ;; \ |
| opentracing) \ |
| if [ "`rpm --eval '0%{?suse_version}'`" -gt 0 -a "`rpm --eval '0%{?suse_version}'`" -lt 1500 ]; then \ |
| echo "OpenTracing can not be built on SLES < 15 due to absence of yaml-cpp" > \ |
| nginx-module-$${module}.skip ; \ |
| exit ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| if [ "`rpm --eval '0%{?amzn}'`" -eq 1 ]; then \ |
| echo "OpenTracing can not be built on Amazon Linux due to old yaml-cpp library" > \ |
| nginx-module-$${module}.skip ; \ |
| exit ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| if [ "`rpm --eval '%{_arch}'`" = "ppc64le" ]; then \ |
| echo "OpenTracing can not be built on ppc64le" > \ |
| nginx-module-$${module}.skip ; \ |
| exit ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| if [ `rpm --eval '0%{?rhel}'` -gt 0 ]; then \ |
| cmake3 -version >/dev/null 2>&1 ; \ |
| if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \ |
| echo "OpenTracing requires cmake3 on RHEL/CentOS/Amazon Linux" > \ |
| nginx-module-$${module}.skip ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| exit ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| ;; \ |
| esac |
| |
| nginx-tests: |
| @{ \ |
| if [ -d "../nginx-tests" ]; then \ |
| echo "===> Copying tests from ../nginx-tests" ; \ |
| cp -rP ../nginx-tests nginx-tests ; \ |
| else \ |
| echo "===> Cloning tests" ; \ |
| hg clone https://hg.nginx.org/nginx-tests ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| } |
| |
| test: base nginx-tests |
| @echo "===> Running tests with regular binary/modules" |
| @{ \ |
| pwd=`pwd` ; \ |
| globals= ; \ |
| globals_http= ; \ |
| globals_stream= ; \ |
| for so in `find module-*/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*module.so" | sort -t / -k 2`; do \ |
| globals="$$globals load_module $$pwd/$$so;" ; \ |
| done ; \ |
| if [ -d $$pwd/module-perl ]; then \ |
| globals="$$globals env PERL5LIB=$$pwd/module-perl/src/http/modules/perl:$$pwd/module-perl/src/http/modules/perl/blib/arch;" ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| if [ -d $$pwd/module-opentracing ]; then \ |
| export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$$pwd/module-opentracing/../opentracing-cpp-$(OPENTRACING_CPP_VERSION)/usr/local/lib ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| if [ -d $$pwd/module-lua ]; then \ |
| globals_http="lua_package_path '$$pwd/../BUILD/$(MODULE_PACKAGE_PREFIX)-lua-$(BASE_VERSION)/lua-resty-core-$(LUA_RESTY_CORE_VERSION)/lib/?.lua;$$pwd/../BUILD/$(MODULE_PACKAGE_PREFIX)-lua-$(BASE_VERSION)/lua-resty-lrucache-$(LUA_RESTY_LRUCACHE_VERSION)/lib/?.lua;;';" ; \ |
| globals_stream="$$globals_http" ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| cd nginx-tests && TEST_NGINX_BINARY=$$pwd/base/nginx TEST_NGINX_GLOBALS="$$globals" TEST_NGINX_GLOBALS_HTTP="$$globals_http" TEST_NGINX_GLOBALS_STREAM="$$globals_stream" prove $$PROVE_ARGS . ; \ |
| } |
| |
| test-debug: base nginx-tests |
| @echo "===> Running tests with debug binary/modules" |
| @{ \ |
| pwd=`pwd` ; \ |
| globals= ; \ |
| globals_http= ; \ |
| globals_stream= ; \ |
| for so in `find module-*/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*module-debug.so" | sort -t / -k 2`; do \ |
| globals="$$globals load_module $$pwd/$$so;" ; \ |
| done ; \ |
| if [ -d $$pwd/module-perl ]; then \ |
| globals="$$globals env PERL5LIB=$$pwd/module-perl/src/http/modules/perl:$$pwd/module-perl/src/http/modules/perl/blib/arch;" ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| if [ -d $$pwd/module-opentracing ]; then \ |
| export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$$pwd/module-opentracing/../opentracing-cpp-$(OPENTRACING_CPP_VERSION)/usr/local/lib ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| if [ -d $$pwd/module-lua ]; then \ |
| globals_http="lua_package_path '$$pwd/../BUILD/$(MODULE_PACKAGE_PREFIX)-lua-$(BASE_VERSION)/lua-resty-core-$(LUA_RESTY_CORE_VERSION)/lib/?.lua;$$pwd/../BUILD/$(MODULE_PACKAGE_PREFIX)-lua-$(BASE_VERSION)/lua-resty-lrucache-$(LUA_RESTY_LRUCACHE_VERSION)/lib/?.lua;;';" ; \ |
| globals_stream="$$globals_http" ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| cd nginx-tests && TEST_NGINX_BINARY=$$pwd/base/nginx-debug TEST_NGINX_GLOBALS="$$globals" TEST_NGINX_GLOBALS_HTTP="$$globals_http" TEST_NGINX_GLOBALS_STREAM="$$globals_stream" prove $$PROVE_ARGS . ; \ |
| } |
| |
| test-modules: $(addprefix test-module-, $(MODULES)) |
| |
| test-module-%: base nginx-tests module-% |
| @{ \ |
| module=`echo $@ | cut -d '-' -f 3-` ; \ |
| testdir="$(MODULE_TESTS_$(shell echo $@ | cut -d '-' -f 3-))" ; \ |
| if [ -z "$$testdir" ]; then \ |
| echo "---> Skipping, no tests defined for $$module module" ; \ |
| exit 0 ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| pwd=`pwd` ; \ |
| globals= ; \ |
| for so in `find module-$${module}/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*module.so"`; do \ |
| globals="$$globals load_module $$pwd/$$so;" ; \ |
| done ; \ |
| if [ ! -d nginx-tests/module-$${module} ]; then \ |
| cp -r $${pwd}/module-$${module}/../$${testdir} nginx-tests/module-$${module} ; \ |
| ln -fs ../lib nginx-tests/module-$${module}/lib ; \ |
| fi ; \ |
| cd nginx-tests/module-$${module} && TEST_NGINX_BINARY=$$pwd/base/nginx TEST_NGINX_GLOBALS="$$globals" prove $$PROVE_ARGS . ; \ |
| } |
| |
| clean: |
| @rm -f base module-* |
| @rm -f nginx.spec nginx-module-*.spec nginx-module-*.skip |
| @rm -rf nginx-tests |
| @rm -f $(BASE_SRC) $(SRCPATH)/$(BASE_SRC) |
| @rm -f nginx.rpm-changelog nginx-module-*.rpm-changelog |
| @rm -f .deps-module-* |
| @find $(SRCPATH)/ -type l -delete |
| |
| .PHONY: default list list-base list-all-modules list-base-modules all modules specs test test-debug clean |
| |