Introduced release helper Makefile.

Currently supported targets: release, revert, commit, tag.

Invocation without particular target will show available versions:

    $ make
    Latest available mainline nginx package version: 1.19.3-1
    Next mainline release version: 1.19.4-1

    Valid targets: release revert commit tag

Version, release, and packager can be determined automatically,
or redefined with environment variables:

    $ VERSION=2.0.0 RELEASE=99 PACKAGER="John Doe <>" make release
    ==> Preparing mainline release 2.0.0-99
    --> alpine/Makefile
    --> debian/Makefile
    --> rpm/SPECS/Makefile
    --> changelog for nginx-module-geoip
    --> changelog for nginx-module-image-filter
    --> changelog for nginx-module-perl
    --> changelog for nginx-module-xslt
    --> changelog for nginx-module-njs

    Done. Please carefully check the diff. Use "make revert" to revert any changes.

Prerequisites: make, mercurial, curl, GNU sed.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f06d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+BRANCH=		$(shell hg branch)
+ifeq (,$(findstring stable,$(BRANCH)))
+FLAVOR=		mainline
+FLAVOR=		stable
+VERSION?=	$(shell curl -fs$(BRANCH)/src/core/nginx.h | fgrep 'define NGINX_VERSION' | cut -d '"' -f 2)
+PACKAGER?=	$(shell hg config ui.username)
+BASE_MAKEFILES=	alpine/Makefile \
+		debian/Makefile \
+		rpm/SPECS/Makefile
+MODULES=	geoip image-filter perl xslt
+	@{ \
+		echo "Latest available $(FLAVOR) nginx package version: $(CURRENT_VERSION)-$(CURRENT_RELEASE)" ; \
+		echo "Next $(FLAVOR) release version: $(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)" ; \
+		echo ; \
+		echo "Valid targets: release revert commit tag" ; \
+	}
+	@{ \
+			echo "Version $(VERSION)-$(RELEASE) is the latest one, nothing to do." >&2 ; \
+			exit 1 ; \
+		fi ; \
+	}
+release: version-check
+	@{ \
+		echo "==> Preparing $(FLAVOR) release $(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)" ; \
+		for f in $(BASE_MAKEFILES); do \
+			echo "--> $${f}" ; \
+			sed -e "s,^BASE_VERSION=.*,BASE_VERSION=	$(VERSION),g" \
+				-i $${f} ; \
+		done ; \
+		reldate=`date +"%Y-%m-%d"` ; \
+		reltime=`date +"%H:%M:%S %z"` ; \
+		packager=`echo "$(PACKAGER)" | sed -e 's,<,\\\\\\&lt\;,' -e 's,>,\\\\\\&gt\;,'` ; \
+		CHANGESADD="\n\n\n<changes apply=\"nginx\" ver=\"$(VERSION)\" rev=\"$(RELEASE)\"\n         date=\"$${reldate}\" time=\"$${reltime}\"\n         packager=\"$${packager}\">\n<change>\n<para>\n$(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)\n</para>\n</change>\n\n</changes>" ; \
+		sed -i -e "s,title=\"nginx\">,title=\"nginx\">$${CHANGESADD}," docs/nginx.xml ; \
+		for module in $(MODULES); do \
+			echo "--> changelog for nginx-module-$${module}" ; \
+			module_underscore=`echo $${module} | tr '-' '_'` ; \
+			CHANGESADD="\n\n\n<changes apply=\"nginx-module-$${module}\" ver=\"$(VERSION)\" rev=\"$(RELEASE)\"\n         date=\"$${reldate}\" time=\"$${reltime}\"\n         packager=\"$${packager}\">\n<change>\n<para>\nbase version updated to $(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)\n</para>\n</change>\n\n</changes>" ; \
+			sed -i -e "s,title=\"nginx_module_$${module_underscore}\">,title=\"nginx_module_$${module_underscore}\">$${CHANGESADD}," docs/nginx-module-$${module}.xml ; \
+		done ; \
+		for module in $(EXTERNAL_MODULES); do \
+			echo "--> changelog for nginx-module-$${module}" ; \
+			module_version=`fgrep apply docs/nginx-module-$${module}.xml | head -1 | cut -d '"' -f 4` ; \
+			module_underscore=`echo $${module} | tr '-' '_'` ; \
+			CHANGESADD="\n\n\n<changes apply=\"nginx-module-$${module}\" ver=\"$${module_version}\" rev=\"$(RELEASE)\" basever=\"$(VERSION)\"\n         date=\"$${reldate}\" time=\"$${reltime}\"\n         packager=\"$${packager}\">\n<change>\n<para>\nbase version updated to $(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)\n</para>\n</change>\n\n</changes>" ; \
+			sed -i -e "s,title=\"nginx_module_$${module_underscore}\">,title=\"nginx_module_$${module_underscore}\">$${CHANGESADD}," docs/nginx-module-$${module}.xml ; \
+		done ; \
+		echo ; \
+		echo "Done. Please carefully check the diff. Use \"make revert\" to revert any changes." ; \
+		echo ; \
+	}
+	@hg revert -v docs/ $(BASE_MAKEFILES)
+	@hg commit -vm 'Updated nginx to $(VERSION)'
+	@hg tag -v $(VERSION)-$(RELEASE)
+.PHONY: version-check release revert commit tag