nginx-0.4.0-RELEASE import

    *) Change in internal API: the HTTP modules initialization was moved
       from the init module phase to the HTTP postconfiguration phase.

    *) Change: now the request body is not read beforehand for the
       ngx_http_perl_module: it's required to start the reading using the
       $r->has_request_body method.

    *) Feature: the ngx_http_perl_module supports the DECLINED return code.

    *) Feature: the ngx_http_dav_module supports the incoming "Date" header
       line for the PUT method.

    *) Feature: the "ssi" directive is available inside the "if" block.

    *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault occurred if there was an "index"
       directive with variables and the first index name was without
       variables; the bug had appeared in 0.1.29.
diff --git a/misc/GNUmakefile b/misc/GNUmakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b82210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/GNUmakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+VER=	$(shell grep NGINX_VER src/core/nginx.h				\
+		| sed -e 's%^.*\"nginx/\(.*\)\"%\1%')
+NGINX=	nginx-$(VER)
+TEMP=	tmp
+	rm -rf $(TEMP)
+	svn export -rHEAD . $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)
+	mv $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/auto/configure $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)
+	# delete incomplete sources
+	rm $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/src/event/ngx_event_acceptex.c
+	rm $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/src/event/ngx_event_connectex.c
+	rm $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/src/event/modules/ngx_iocp_module.*
+	rm -r $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/src/os/win32
+	rm $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/src/core/ngx_slab.*
+	rm $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/src/core/ngx_resolver.*
+	rm -r $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/src/mysql
+	rm $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/src/http/modules/ngx_http_status_module.c
+	mv $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/docs/text/LICENSE $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)
+	mv $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/docs/text/README $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)
+	mv $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/docs/html $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)
+	$(MAKE) -f docs/GNUmakefile changes
+	rm -r $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/docs
+	rm -r $(TEMP)/$(NGINX)/misc
+	tar -c -z -f $(NGINX).tar.gz --directory $(TEMP) $(NGINX)
+icons:	src/os/win32/nginx.ico src/os/win32/nginx_tray.ico
+# 32x32 and 16x16 icons
+src/os/win32/nginx.ico:	src/os/win32/nginx_icon32.xpm			\
+			src/os/win32/nginx_icon16.xpm
+	test -d $(TEMP) || mkdir $(TEMP)
+	xpmtoppm --alphaout=$(TEMP)/nginx32.pbm				\
+		src/os/win32/nginx_icon32.xpm > $(TEMP)/nginx32.ppm
+	xpmtoppm --alphaout=$(TEMP)/nginx16.pbm				\
+		src/os/win32/nginx_icon16.xpm > $(TEMP)/nginx16.ppm
+	ppmtowinicon -output src/os/win32/nginx.ico -andpgms		\
+		$(TEMP)/nginx32.ppm $(TEMP)/nginx32.pbm			\
+		$(TEMP)/nginx16.ppm $(TEMP)/nginx16.pbm
+# tray icon
+src/os/win32/nginx_tray.ico:	src/os/win32/nginx_tray.xpm
+	test -d $(TEMP) || mkdir $(TEMP)
+	xpmtoppm --alphaout=$(TEMP)/nginx_tray.pbm			\
+		src/os/win32/nginx_tray.xpm > $(TEMP)/nginx_tray.ppm
+	ppmtowinicon -output src/os/win32/nginx_tray.ico -andpgms	\
+		$(TEMP)/nginx_tray.ppm $(TEMP)/nginx_tray.pbm