r2281 merge:

always use buffer, if connection is buffered,
this fixes OpenSSL "bad write retry" error, when
*) nginx passed a single buf greater than our buffer (say 32K) to OpenSSL,
*) after some time nginx has to send a new data,
*) so there are at least two bufs nginx does pass them directly to OpenSSL,
*) but copies the first buf part to buffer, and sends the buffer to OpenSSL.
*) because the data length is lesser than it was in previous SSL_write():
   16K < 32K, OpenSSL returns SSL_R_BAD_WRITE_RETRY.
1 file changed
tree: 9b2d97624d5c2e1035fb76fe801165759da67bcd
  1. auto/
  2. conf/
  3. contrib/
  4. docs/
  5. misc/
  6. src/
  7. .hgtags