blob: 07f32103b7397ece92ca36bf0e00553bdc8bafbf [file] [log] [blame]
/ Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev
/ Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.
/ ngx_atomic_uint_t ngx_atomic_cmp_set(ngx_atomic_t *lock,
/ ngx_atomic_uint_t old, ngx_atomic_uint_t set);
/ the arguments are passed in %rdi, %rsi, %rdx
/ the result is returned in the %rax
.inline ngx_atomic_cmp_set,0
movq %rsi, %rax
cmpxchgq %rdx, (%rdi)
setz %al
movzbq %al, %rax
/ ngx_atomic_int_t ngx_atomic_fetch_add(ngx_atomic_t *value,
/ ngx_atomic_int_t add);
/ the arguments are passed in %rdi, %rsi
/ the result is returned in the %rax
.inline ngx_atomic_fetch_add,0
movq %rsi, %rax
xaddq %rax, (%rdi)
/ ngx_cpu_pause()
/ the "rep; nop" is used instead of "pause" to avoid the "[ PAUSE ]" hardware
/ capability added by linker because Solaris/amd64 does not know about it:
/ nginx: fatal: hardware capability unsupported: 0x2000 [ PAUSE ]
.inline ngx_cpu_pause,0
rep; nop