Configure: GNU Hurd properly recognized.

With this change it's no longer needed to pass -D_GNU_SOURCE manually,
and -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 is set to use 64-bit off_t.

Note that nginx currently fails to work properly with master process
enabled on GNU Hurd, as fcntl(F_SETOWN) returns EOPNOTSUPP for sockets
as of GNU Hurd 0.6.  Additionally, our strerror() preloading doesn't
work well with GNU Hurd, as it uses large numbers for most errors.
2 files changed
tree: b307c1718eeeb0a0d6548080141c859ef63e983c
  1. auto/
  2. conf/
  3. contrib/
  4. docs/
  5. misc/
  6. src/
  7. .hgtags