nginx-0.1.5-RELEASE import

    *) Bugfix: on Solaris and Linux there may be too many "recvmsg()
       returned not enough data" alerts.

    *) Bugfix: there were the "writev() failed (22: Invalid argument)"
       errors on Solaris in proxy mode without sendfile. On other platforms
       that do not support sendfile at all the process got caught in an
       endless loop.

    *) Bugfix: segmentation fault on Solaris in proxy mode and using

    *) Bugfix: segmentation fault on Solaris.

    *) Bugfix: on-line upgrade did not work on Linux.

    *) Bugfix: the ngx_http_autoindex_module module did not escape the
       spaces, the quotes, and the percent signs in the directory listing.

    *) Change: the decrease of the copy operations.

    *) Feature: the userid_p3p directive.
diff --git a/auto/unix b/auto/unix
index ec0e395..af9ee01 100755
--- a/auto/unix
+++ b/auto/unix
@@ -8,17 +8,17 @@
 # C types
 ngx_type="int"; . auto/types/sizeof
-ngx_formats="%d"; . auto/fmt/fmt
+#ngx_formats="%d"; . auto/fmt/fmt
 ngx_type="long"; . auto/types/sizeof
-ngx_formats="%ld"; . auto/fmt/fmt
+#ngx_formats="%ld"; . auto/fmt/fmt
 ngx_type="long long"; . auto/types/sizeof
-ngx_formats="%lld %qd"; . auto/fmt/fmt
+#ngx_formats="%lld %qd"; . auto/fmt/fmt
 ngx_type="void *"; . auto/types/sizeof; ngx_ptr_size=$ngx_size
-eval ngx_formats=\${ngx_${ngx_ptr_size}_fmt}; . auto/fmt/ptrfmt
+#eval ngx_formats=\${ngx_${ngx_ptr_size}_fmt}; . auto/fmt/ptrfmt
 # POSIX types
@@ -46,28 +46,28 @@
 # printf() formats
-ngx_fmt_name=OFF_T_FMT; ngx_type="off_t"; . auto/types/sizeof
+#ngx_fmt_name=OFF_T_FMT; ngx_type="off_t"; . auto/types/sizeof
 ngx_param=OFF_T_MAX_VALUE; ngx_value=$ngx_max_value; . auto/types/value
-eval ngx_formats=\${ngx_${ngx_size}_fmt}; . auto/fmt/fmt
-ngx_fmt_name=TIME_T_FMT; ngx_type="time_t"; . auto/types/sizeof
+#eval ngx_formats=\${ngx_${ngx_size}_fmt}; . auto/fmt/fmt
+#ngx_fmt_name=TIME_T_FMT; ngx_type="time_t"; . auto/types/sizeof
 ngx_param=TIME_T_SIZE; ngx_value=$ngx_size; . auto/types/value
 ngx_param=TIME_T_LEN; ngx_value=$ngx_max_len; . auto/types/value
-eval ngx_formats=\${ngx_${ngx_size}_fmt}; . auto/fmt/fmt
-ngx_fmt_name=SIZE_T_FMT; ngx_type="size_t"; . auto/types/sizeof
-eval ngx_formats=\${ngx_${ngx_size}_fmt}; . auto/fmt/fmt
-ngx_fmt_name=SIZE_T_X_FMT; . auto/fmt/xfmt
-ngx_fmt_name=PID_T_FMT; ngx_type="pid_t"; . auto/types/sizeof
-eval ngx_formats=\${ngx_${ngx_size}_fmt}; . auto/fmt/fmt
-ngx_fmt_name=RLIM_T_FMT; ngx_type="rlim_t"; . auto/types/sizeof
-eval ngx_formats=\${ngx_${ngx_size}_fmt}; . auto/fmt/fmt
+#eval ngx_formats=\${ngx_${ngx_size}_fmt}; . auto/fmt/fmt
+#ngx_fmt_name=SIZE_T_FMT; ngx_type="size_t"; . auto/types/sizeof
+#eval ngx_formats=\${ngx_${ngx_size}_fmt}; . auto/fmt/fmt
+#ngx_fmt_name=SIZE_T_X_FMT; . auto/fmt/xfmt
+#ngx_fmt_name=PID_T_FMT; ngx_type="pid_t"; . auto/types/sizeof
+#eval ngx_formats=\${ngx_${ngx_size}_fmt}; . auto/fmt/fmt
+#ngx_fmt_name=RLIM_T_FMT; ngx_type="rlim_t"; . auto/types/sizeof
+#eval ngx_formats=\${ngx_${ngx_size}_fmt}; . auto/fmt/fmt
 # syscalls, libc calls and some features
@@ -93,19 +93,23 @@
 ngx_feature_incs="#include <string.h>"
-ngx_feature_test="char buf[20]; int n; n = strerror_r(1, buf, 20)"
+ngx_feature_test="char buf[32]; int n; n = strerror_r(1, buf, 32);
+                  if (n > 32) return 1;"
 . auto/feature
+# GNU style strerror_r() returns not length, but pointer
+ngx_feature="gnu style strerror_r()"
 ngx_feature_incs="#include <string.h>"
-ngx_feature_test="char buf[20], *str; str = strerror_r(1, buf, 20)"
+ngx_feature_test="char buf[32]; int n; n = strerror_r(1, buf, 32);
+                  if (n < 32) return 1;"
 . auto/feature
@@ -184,16 +188,6 @@
 . auto/feature
-ngx_feature="struct sockaddr_in.sin_len"
-ngx_feature_incs="#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>"
-ngx_feature_test="struct sockaddr_in sa; sa.sin_len = 5"
-. auto/feature
 ngx_feature="struct msghdr.msg_control"