HTTP/2: fixed timers left after request body reading.

Following rb->filter_need_buffering changes, request body reading is
only finished after the filter chain is called and rb->last_saved is set.
As such, with r->request_body_no_buffering, timer on fc->read is no
longer removed when the last part of the body is received, potentially
resulting in incorrect behaviour.

The fix is to call ngx_http_v2_process_request_body() from the
ngx_http_v2_read_unbuffered_request_body() function instead of
directly calling ngx_http_v2_filter_request_body(), so the timer
is properly removed.
1 file changed
tree: 4659b773e84120daed4b5dc4fc3e2982ab39252f
  1. auto/
  2. conf/
  3. contrib/
  4. docs/
  5. misc/
  6. src/
  7. .hgtags