Many changes:

*) rename imap to mail, sort pop3/imap functions
*) smtp auth support
*) pop3 starttls only
*) fix segfault if cram-md5 was used without apop
diff --git a/src/mail/ngx_mail.h b/src/mail/ngx_mail.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..478662a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mail/ngx_mail.h
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+ * Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev
+ */
+#include <ngx_config.h>
+#include <ngx_core.h>
+#include <ngx_event.h>
+#include <ngx_event_connect.h>
+#include <ngx_mail_ssl_module.h>
+typedef struct {
+    void                  **main_conf;
+    void                  **srv_conf;
+} ngx_mail_conf_ctx_t;
+typedef struct {
+    in_addr_t               addr;
+    in_port_t               port;
+    int                     family;
+    /* server ctx */
+    ngx_mail_conf_ctx_t    *ctx;
+    unsigned                bind:1;
+} ngx_mail_listen_t;
+typedef struct {
+    in_addr_t               addr;
+    ngx_mail_conf_ctx_t    *ctx;
+    ngx_str_t               addr_text;
+} ngx_mail_in_addr_t;
+typedef struct {
+    ngx_mail_in_addr_t     *addrs;       /* array of ngx_mail_in_addr_t */
+    ngx_uint_t              naddrs;
+} ngx_mail_in_port_t;
+typedef struct {
+    in_port_t               port;
+    ngx_array_t             addrs;       /* array of ngx_mail_conf_in_addr_t */
+} ngx_mail_conf_in_port_t;
+typedef struct {
+    in_addr_t               addr;
+    ngx_mail_conf_ctx_t    *ctx;
+    unsigned                bind:1;
+} ngx_mail_conf_in_addr_t;
+typedef struct {
+    ngx_array_t             servers;     /* ngx_mail_core_srv_conf_t */
+    ngx_array_t             listen;      /* ngx_mail_listen_t */
+} ngx_mail_core_main_conf_t;
+typedef struct {
+    ngx_msec_t              timeout;
+    size_t                  imap_client_buffer_size;
+    ngx_uint_t              protocol;
+    ngx_flag_t              so_keepalive;
+    ngx_str_t               pop3_capability;
+    ngx_str_t               pop3_starttls_capability;
+    ngx_str_t               pop3_starttls_only_capability;
+    ngx_str_t               pop3_auth_capability;
+    ngx_str_t               imap_capability;
+    ngx_str_t               imap_starttls_capability;
+    ngx_str_t               imap_starttls_only_capability;
+    ngx_str_t               smtp_capability;
+    ngx_str_t               server_name;
+    ngx_str_t               smtp_server_name;
+    ngx_str_t               smtp_greeting;
+    ngx_uint_t              pop3_auth_methods;
+    ngx_uint_t              smtp_auth_methods;
+    ngx_array_t             pop3_capabilities;
+    ngx_array_t             imap_capabilities;
+    ngx_array_t             smtp_capabilities;
+    /* server ctx */
+    ngx_mail_conf_ctx_t    *ctx;
+} ngx_mail_core_srv_conf_t;
+typedef struct {
+    void                 *(*create_main_conf)(ngx_conf_t *cf);
+    char                 *(*init_main_conf)(ngx_conf_t *cf, void *conf);
+    void                 *(*create_srv_conf)(ngx_conf_t *cf);
+    char                 *(*merge_srv_conf)(ngx_conf_t *cf, void *prev,
+                                void *conf);
+} ngx_mail_module_t;
+typedef enum {
+    ngx_pop3_start = 0,
+    ngx_pop3_user,
+    ngx_pop3_passwd,
+    ngx_pop3_auth_login_username,
+    ngx_pop3_auth_login_password,
+    ngx_pop3_auth_plain,
+    ngx_pop3_auth_cram_md5
+} ngx_po3_state_e;
+typedef enum {
+    ngx_imap_start = 0,
+    ngx_imap_login,
+    ngx_imap_user,
+    ngx_imap_passwd
+} ngx_imap_state_e;
+typedef enum {
+    ngx_smtp_start = 0,
+    ngx_smtp_auth_login_username,
+    ngx_smtp_auth_login_password,
+    ngx_smtp_auth_plain,
+    ngx_smtp_auth_cram_md5,
+    ngx_smtp_helo,
+    ngx_smtp_noxclient,
+    ngx_smtp_xclient
+} ngx_smtp_state_e;
+typedef struct {
+    ngx_peer_connection_t   upstream;
+    ngx_buf_t              *buffer;
+} ngx_mail_proxy_ctx_t;
+typedef struct {
+    uint32_t                signature;         /* "MAIL" */
+    ngx_connection_t       *connection;
+    ngx_str_t               out;
+    ngx_buf_t              *buffer;
+    void                  **ctx;
+    void                  **main_conf;
+    void                  **srv_conf;
+    ngx_mail_proxy_ctx_t   *proxy;
+    ngx_uint_t              mail_state;
+    unsigned                blocked:1;
+    unsigned                quit:1;
+    unsigned                protocol:2;
+    unsigned                quoted:1;
+    unsigned                backslash:1;
+    unsigned                no_sync_literal:1;
+    unsigned                starttls:1;
+    unsigned                esmtp:1;
+    unsigned                auth_method:2;
+    unsigned                auth_wait:1;
+    ngx_str_t               login;
+    ngx_str_t               passwd;
+    ngx_str_t               salt;
+    ngx_str_t               tag;
+    ngx_str_t               tagged_line;
+    ngx_str_t              *addr_text;
+    ngx_str_t               smtp_helo;
+    ngx_uint_t              command;
+    ngx_array_t             args;
+    ngx_uint_t              login_attempt;
+    /* used to parse IMAP/POP3/SMTP command */
+    ngx_uint_t              state;
+    u_char                 *cmd_start;
+    u_char                 *arg_start;
+    u_char                 *arg_end;
+    ngx_uint_t              literal_len;
+} ngx_mail_session_t;
+typedef struct {
+    ngx_str_t              *client;
+    ngx_mail_session_t     *session;
+} ngx_mail_log_ctx_t;
+#define NGX_POP3_USER        1
+#define NGX_POP3_PASS        2
+#define NGX_POP3_CAPA        3
+#define NGX_POP3_QUIT        4
+#define NGX_POP3_NOOP        5
+#define NGX_POP3_STLS        6
+#define NGX_POP3_APOP        7
+#define NGX_POP3_AUTH        8
+#define NGX_POP3_STAT        9
+#define NGX_POP3_LIST        10
+#define NGX_POP3_RETR        11
+#define NGX_POP3_DELE        12
+#define NGX_POP3_RSET        13
+#define NGX_POP3_TOP         14
+#define NGX_POP3_UIDL        15
+#define NGX_IMAP_LOGIN       1
+#define NGX_IMAP_LOGOUT      2
+#define NGX_IMAP_NOOP        4
+#define NGX_IMAP_STARTTLS    5
+#define NGX_IMAP_NEXT        6
+#define NGX_SMTP_HELO        1
+#define NGX_SMTP_EHLO        2
+#define NGX_SMTP_AUTH        3
+#define NGX_SMTP_QUIT        4
+#define NGX_SMTP_NOOP        5
+#define NGX_SMTP_MAIL        6
+#define NGX_SMTP_RSET        7
+#define NGX_MAIL_AUTH_PLAIN     0
+#define NGX_MAIL_AUTH_LOGIN     1
+#define NGX_MAIL_AUTH_APOP      2
+#define NGX_MAIL_AUTH_CRAM_MD5  3
+#define NGX_MAIL_AUTH_PLAIN_ENABLED     0x0002
+#define NGX_MAIL_AUTH_LOGIN_ENABLED     0x0004
+#define NGX_MAIL_AUTH_APOP_ENABLED      0x0008
+#define NGX_MAIL_MODULE      0x4C49414D     /* "MAIL" */
+#define NGX_MAIL_MAIN_CONF   0x02000000
+#define NGX_MAIL_SRV_CONF    0x04000000
+#define NGX_MAIL_MAIN_CONF_OFFSET  offsetof(ngx_mail_conf_ctx_t, main_conf)
+#define NGX_MAIL_SRV_CONF_OFFSET   offsetof(ngx_mail_conf_ctx_t, srv_conf)
+#define ngx_mail_get_module_ctx(s, module)     (s)->ctx[module.ctx_index]
+#define ngx_mail_set_ctx(s, c, module)         s->ctx[module.ctx_index] = c;
+#define ngx_mail_delete_ctx(s, module)         s->ctx[module.ctx_index] = NULL;
+#define ngx_mail_get_module_main_conf(s, module)                             \
+    (s)->main_conf[module.ctx_index]
+#define ngx_mail_get_module_srv_conf(s, module)  (s)->srv_conf[module.ctx_index]
+#define ngx_mail_conf_get_module_main_conf(cf, module)                       \
+    ((ngx_mail_conf_ctx_t *) cf->ctx)->main_conf[module.ctx_index]
+void ngx_mail_init_connection(ngx_connection_t *c);
+void ngx_mail_send(ngx_event_t *wev);
+void ngx_pop3_auth_state(ngx_event_t *rev);
+void ngx_imap_auth_state(ngx_event_t *rev);
+void ngx_smtp_auth_state(ngx_event_t *rev);
+void ngx_mail_close_connection(ngx_connection_t *c);
+void ngx_mail_session_internal_server_error(ngx_mail_session_t *s);
+ngx_int_t ngx_pop3_parse_command(ngx_mail_session_t *s);
+ngx_int_t ngx_imap_parse_command(ngx_mail_session_t *s);
+ngx_int_t ngx_smtp_parse_command(ngx_mail_session_t *s);
+/* STUB */
+void ngx_mail_proxy_init(ngx_mail_session_t *s, ngx_peer_addr_t *peer);
+void ngx_mail_auth_http_init(ngx_mail_session_t *s);
+extern ngx_uint_t    ngx_mail_max_module;
+extern ngx_module_t  ngx_mail_core_module;
+#endif /* _NGX_MAIL_H_INCLUDED_ */