Tests: adjusted socket read timeout in stream tests.

Read timeout was increased to prevent situation when data is delayed with
more than 3 seconds.  In this case, part of the response could be cut off.
9 files changed
tree: b45d463ff9b10adbb3c124114edddf18063e8b63
  1. lib/
  2. access.t
  3. access_log.t
  4. access_log_variables.t
  5. addition.t
  6. auth_basic.t
  7. auth_request.t
  8. auth_request_satisfy.t
  9. auth_request_set.t
  10. autoindex.t
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  12. body.t
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  20. debug_connection_syslog.t
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  33. fastcgi_request_buffering_chunked.t
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  36. geo.t
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  40. gunzip_ssi.t
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  42. gzip.t
  43. gzip_flush.t
  44. h2.t
  45. headers.t
  46. http_disable_symlinks.t
  47. http_error_page.t
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  49. http_host.t
  50. http_location.t
  51. http_location_auto.t
  52. http_location_win32.t
  53. http_resolver.t
  54. http_resolver_aaaa.t
  55. http_server_name.t
  56. http_try_files.t
  57. http_variables.t
  58. image_filter.t
  59. image_filter_finalize.t
  60. index.t
  61. js.t
  63. limit_conn.t
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  66. mail_error_log.t
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  68. mail_imap_ssl.t
  69. mail_pop3.t
  70. mail_resolver.t
  71. mail_smtp.t
  72. mail_smtp_greeting_delay.t
  73. mail_smtp_xclient.t
  74. map.t
  75. memcached.t
  76. memcached_fake.t
  77. memcached_keepalive.t
  78. memcached_keepalive_stale.t
  79. mp4.t
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  81. not_modified_proxy.t
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  95. proxy_cache_variables.t
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  100. proxy_if.t
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  105. proxy_next_upstream_tries.t
  106. proxy_noclose.t
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  110. proxy_request_buffering_chunked.t
  111. proxy_request_buffering_ssl.t
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  114. proxy_ssl.t
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  131. range_mp4.t
  132. README
  133. realip.t
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  150. ssl.t
  151. ssl_certificate_chain.t
  152. ssl_engine_keys.t
  153. ssl_password_file.t
  154. ssl_proxy_protocol.t
  155. ssl_proxy_upgrade.t
  156. ssl_sni.t
  157. stream_access.t
  158. stream_error_log.t
  159. stream_limit_conn.t
  160. stream_limit_rate.t
  161. stream_proxy.t
  162. stream_proxy_bind.t
  163. stream_proxy_next_upstream.t
  164. stream_proxy_protocol.t
  165. stream_proxy_protocol_ipv6.t
  166. stream_proxy_protocol_ssl.t
  167. stream_proxy_ssl.t
  168. stream_proxy_ssl_certificate.t
  169. stream_proxy_ssl_name.t
  170. stream_proxy_ssl_verify.t
  171. stream_ssl.t
  172. stream_tcp_nodelay.t
  173. stream_upstream.t
  174. stream_upstream_hash.t
  175. stream_upstream_least_conn.t
  176. stream_upstream_zone_ssl.t
  177. stub_status.t
  178. sub_filter.t
  179. sub_filter_merge.t
  180. sub_filter_multi.t
  181. sub_filter_multi2.t
  182. sub_filter_perl.t
  183. sub_filter_ssi.t
  184. syslog.t
  185. upstream.t
  186. upstream_hash.t
  187. upstream_hash_memcached.t
  188. upstream_ip_hash.t
  189. upstream_least_conn.t
  190. upstream_zone_ssl.t
  191. userid.t
  192. uwsgi.t
  193. xslt.t
  194. xslt_params.t