Tests: add TEST_GLOBALS and TEST_GLOBALS_HTTP config chunks.
TEST_GLOBALS replaces previously used -g switch. This allows tests
to be executed on 0.6.* branch. For compatibility with old tests -g switch
will be used if TEST_GLOBALS wasn't expaneded in config.
TEST_GLOBALS_HTTP replaces multiple variables (access_log, root,
client_body_temp_path, proxy_temp_path, fastcgi_temp_path) previously
specified directly in test configs. This change reduce duplication and
allows tests to be used with nginx compiled without fastcgi and/or proxy
modules (as proxy_temp_path and fastcgi_temp_path are added conditionally).
diff --git a/smtp-greeting-delay.t b/smtp-greeting-delay.t
index 067c8ba..b42d0c1 100644
--- a/smtp-greeting-delay.t
+++ b/smtp-greeting-delay.t
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
my $t = Test::Nginx->new()->has('mail')->plan(2)
->write_file_expand('nginx.conf', <<'EOF')->run();
master_process off;
daemon off;